Title: The Right Doctrine
Text: 1Timothy 1
Though modernists try to argue the authorship of this book, it is still widely accepted and has more proof that Paul is the author of this epistle. It was written to Timothy, his missionary journeys companion, and now was left in Ephesus to pastor a church (v.3).
Timothy was a very close friend of Paul where he even called him as “true son in the faith”, where we can conclude that Timothy is one of Paul’s disciples, a product of his labor in Christ Jesus. Timothy was known to be a religious man, a devout Judaizers before he became a Christian and a fervent Christian when he became one.
There is no doubt that Timothy is one of the most loved disciple of Paul for the title “true son in the faith” has only been given to both of them, Timothy and Titus. And these two disciples especially Timothy was continuously mentioned in his other epistles. In fact, some of the scholars is convinced that Timothy is a protégé of Paul.
1. Ephesians’ Doctrines
a. Devoted to myths and genealogies (v.4)
Some says that the people who promote these teachings are the proponents of “Gnosticism” in early Christianity. Gnostics teaches that “gnosis” or the intuitive knowledge of spiritual truths can release a person’s spiritual elements. As what we can see here, these teachers are trying to devote their time in myths and genealogies. In doing this, they are trying to create some mystical beliefs from the Scripture, which are obviously made of human wisdom and not of God’s. Paul added that these teachings cause divisions rather than godly edification.
b. Uncertain to doctrinal stands (v.7)
As some wandered away from the faith, these people does not know what they are talking about, what they confidently affirms. Now take note, that these false teachers are most probably leaders of the church in Ephesus for they have presumed to be teachers of the law a role reserved for elders (v.7).
I am also convinced that many of these false teachers if not most, are unqualified in the position of becoming a teacher of the law. For in Chapter 3, Paul gave the qualification of becoming an elder and a deacon of the church.
Note here that these people are devoting their time in fables or fanciful stories manufactured by elements of Judaism, thus making all these teachings far from facts and teachings of our Lord Jesus. And such things are teachings and doctrines of the devil (v.4:1). These teachings are meaningless talk, irrelevant and do not edify the church.
False teachings produce disputes in contrast to what the real message of our Lord teaches, to love each other from a pure heart, from a good conscience, from sincere faith (v.5).
c. Improper use of the law (v.8-11)
Judaizers inside the church continuously require new believers to be circumcised in order to be saved. Making it impossible for a believer to be saved after they received and have faith in Christ Jesus.
False teachers misunderstood the main use of the law. The law is not for self-righteousness but for repentance and conviction pleading to God for mercy. False teachers believes that they will be saved in paying for their sins, which is far from what Christian doctrine teaches.
2. Pauls’ Doctrine
a. With apostolicity and authenticity (v.12-13)
In verse 15, Paul affirmed the apostolicity of his doctrine. This means that he teaches what the Lord teaches because it was the Lord who commissioned him to bring the gospel to the gentiles. The fact the he claimed himself to be an “apostle” which means “sent with a mission”, affirms that apostolicity.
This may be hard for the people to understand what Paul is saying because the picture is like, he is claiming a teaching like all other false teaching is doing. But the authenticity of what Paul teaches stands out from the rest because it remained consistent from the time he first taught what Jesus taught. We can see here that the rest of the apostles is teaching the same thing, and it is not a teaching where it is tossed back and forth by the waves of the world.
What is Paul’s proof then? His life is a living proof of the doctrine he teaches. Paul claims to be a blasphemer, a persecutor and an insolent man before he became a Christian. But because of the saving grace and love of God, Paul receives salvation, thus, making his transformation as new creation authentic.
b. With grace, faith and love (v.14-17)
Paul pointed out that the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love that is in Christ Jesus. Even that he is the worst of all sinners (v.15), he obtained mercy to become an example to all people that God extends his unlimited patience (v.16).
Again, Paul gave emphasis on salvation. Salvation comes from believing in Jesus Christ, having faith in him (v.16). The same verse teaches us that Christ Jesus possess deity as Paul affirms it, “Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.”
3. What To Do
a. Fulfill the calling (v.18)
Paul then instructed Timothy to fulfill his calling prophesied some time ago. This is one of the reasons why some scholars considered Timothy as protégé of Paul. Some of us are here and may not be a result of prophecies made for us, but the fact is, God called us heavenward which became the reason why we are here. We are here to fulfill the same calling. We are here to learn and be a disciple.
Note that Paul urges Timothy to fulfill the calling so that Timothy may fight a good fight, holding on to the faith and of good conscience. These 3 things are very essential in our spiritual life. Without these or a lack of one or two of these, will surely lead us to a “shipwreck of the faith”.
b. Hold on to the calling (v.19)
Not only to fulfill the calling but also to hold on to that calling. Holding on could mean standing your ground against the impact of these kinds of trials and hardships in the ministry. To hold on is to keep what he have learned and not go out from the faith despite of the great pressure imposed by false teachers. Note that there might be a conflict between the false teachers and Timothy.
Now there is a little dilemma here, for holding on to the faith involves discipline even if the person to be disciplined assumes to be a teacher of the law. And for sure, this will not be an easy task for Timothy. Paul gave him an example of what he did to Hymenaeus and Alexander whom he handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme.
Scholars debates of what really Paul means “handed over to Satan”. Though nothing is much known with these two men, but for sure, they create trouble and influences other Christians to turn their backs from what they have received. Handing over to Satan would mean, cutting them off from the community of the believers or in other words, excommunicating or expulsion from the membership of the Christian community.
Note that it is not for condemning them, but for them to learn not to blaspheme God. Since they are becoming a bad influence to other believers, the decision of Paul to expel them though painful but worth it.
Another thing that we may consider here is that these two guys were a part of the teachers of the law which is reserved for at least a deacon inside a church. Even if they are (let say) a deacon, they are not excused for the discipline of the church. This is why I myself always remind the leadership of this church and even the worship team, that “no one is indispensible in the ministry”. This would mean, that even if someone in the leadership of the church who tried to teach false teachings, nor try to influence others against what we are teaching, or if they are sinning, they can be taken out from their ministry whether or not they are holding a very important position. And this is exactly what Paul did with these two guys.
Here we have seen another example of false teachings in comparison to what Paul is teaching. Let us be more vigilant in listening what is true and what is a false teaching. If a teaching promotes division and a deviance from what you already have received, then it chances are, this is a false teaching.
On the other hand, God did not called us to only observe what is happening inside the church, but he called us to fulfill our calling, as true disciples of Christ, holding on to the faith that we already have received and promoting to each other brotherly love.
As a reminder, let us do everything we can to maintain a good relationship. Not becoming conceited in the ministry that we are holding, but becoming a good example to what we believe and what has been taught to us.
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