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Friday, June 27, 2008

Title: Exhortation For A Minister

Paul after giving the qualification of becoming an overseer and deacons is now exhorting Timothy work on the faith that he has. Chapter 4 of the book of Timothy gives us four things that we have to continue being a minister and being a child called by God for service.

Protect Our Doctrine (v.4-5)
One of the primary responsibilities of every Christian is to watch his doctrine. It is not does not mean that we have to debate everybody that we meet that questions our doctrine. But what this passage teaches us is to protect ourselves from false teachings, standing to the truth basing on what the Scriptures says.
In our time, indeed so many groups claim that they are the true religion. Some are claiming that they have the new Messiah, a new Jesus from the east. They even tried to prove it by quoting a passage from the Bible that says, “only you can understand” pertaining to the “real” Christians. And there are millions of people who believe in them. There are literally millions of people who were lead astray.
Most people are weak in this part. In fact, even the disciples were not excuse in this kind of temptation. They themselves have waved in this area. Galatians 2:11-13 tells us that Paul had an argument with some of the disciples, Peter (who might be Cephas), and Barnabas.
Note here, that it is therefore very important to watch our doctrines very closely. Even in the way that we used to apply it and live with it. Our beliefs have to be in-lined with our lives. If we believe and agree in reaching people for Christ, then we have to participate on it. If we believe that we were called for a purpose, then we must stand up and allow ourselves to be discipled. If we believe that we are saved by grace through faith, then we have to live by faith.

Pursue Godliness (v.6-8)
In verse 6, Paul instructed Timothy to point “these things out” which means, to protect the doctrine. Here we see that Paul is pushing Timothy to really practice what he was called for. He encourages Timothy to pursue godliness. He is to have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales.
In verse 7, it says, “train yourself to be godly”. In other translations, they used the word “exercise” instead of training. Here we see that being godly is never an easy task especially if you are not used to it. It requires training; it requires discipline in order to be godly. It is like going to gym, “no pain, no gain”.
Becoming faithful and godly is painful in a sense that you will have to give up everything in order to follow Christ (Luke 14:33). In verse 26, of Luke 14 is very direct in saying that if anyone who does not hate his father and mother, sister, brother, and even his own life cannot be his disciple. It does not mean to literally hate them, but Jesus means, is that, “if anyone put something above me, or prioritize something above me, cannot be my disciple.”
Simple to read or hear as it is, but indeed, it is very difficult to apply. How about us who are hearing this gospel right now, are we willing to sacrifice everything to follow Christ? Are we willing to pursue godliness that requires our effort? Or are we settled to whom we are now?

Persevere in Service (v.9-10)
It is not only in godliness that we have to excel, but also in our service to God. All of us were called for a purpose. We were called to mature in Christ and be of service in Him.
Note verse 9 in saying “this is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance”. Meaning, everybody who hears or read these words should accept this that this words are very important and true, a noble thing to accept, “this is to put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe.” Note the phrase enclosed with the parenthesis, “…and for this we labor and strive.”
If I am going to interpret this, I would say that this is worth dying for. We labor and strive for the faith that we have given to our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes it is difficult to preach, yes it is difficult to share God, yes it is difficult to accept rejection from other people, but by this, we labor strive. And this is a noble thing to do.
How about us? Are we really contended to just see and look at our fellow brother or fellow sisters working hard for the advancement of the gospel? Do we really settle in making profits for ourselves without making profits for our Lord?
How about those of you who where working now for God, do you feel tired and feed up with all the pressures and work plus our ministries? Are we now close to giving up? Are you serving God, and while serving God, you are you suffering from different problems?
Yes, many of us are now weary. But I say brothers and sisters, by this, we labor and strive. Do not let your hearts be troubled nor be burdened.

Practice Your Gift (v.11-14)
“Command and teach these things (v.11),” this is what Paul instructed to Timothy to do with the remaining of his instructions.
The first of his instructions is, “do not let anyone look down at you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.” Note here that Timothy is not to fight back when there is someone who looks down at him, instead, he is to become a good example in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.
And not only this, he has to continue to devote himself in public reading of the Scripture, preaching and to teaching. He is not to neglect his gift. In short, he has to practice his gift. When we mention about “devote”, the connotation is giving most of your time. Indeed, Timothy is to give more time in public reading of the Scripture, preaching and to teaching.
Practicing one’s gift means putting into action whatever he learned from Paul. Applying all the spiritual gifts that was given to him. In verse 14, Paul made it clear not to neglect his gift and he has to use it. Note that the gift given to Timothy was through the prophetic message of the elders upon laying their hands to Timothy.
This is why it is important, that pastors and the rest of church leaders have to pray in sending someone in the field or when someone starts a ministry. It is through these prayers that sometimes we are empowered by our Lord.
We can see here in the passage that some of the gifts that Timothy has are teaching, preaching, and obviously the leadership.
Timothy is not to hide them, but to practice them in his ministry. As we have learned several weeks ago that all of us were called to the ministry and are like Timothy’s of someone. We have to practice the gifts that were given to us.


15Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. 16Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

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