Text: 2 Timothy 4:1-5
This are the last words of Paul for Timothy. Timothy being one of his prodigy were given detailed instructions on how is to become a pastor of the Church. Here, we can see that becoming a pastor is not easy. In fact, Paul has already included in his final encouragement to Timothy a very brief picture of what ministry is like.
Verses 6-8 gave us a picture that people will try to persecute not only the ordinary Christians, but especially the Christian leaders. Some will be imprisoned because of preaching the gospel, while some will be judged without a valid reason. For Paul's example, he was imprisoned because of the gospel.
Then Paul gave us a picture deserters in verses 9-10 and 16-18. They were Christians who professed to be one yet loved the world more than God. Even so, Paul still pointed out that there will be people who will not leave the faith.
Finally, Paul gave a picture of some people who will try to defame the minister. But for this, we should stand our ground and be aware of those men who will try to do harm with God's ministers. We have to remember that God is with us and that He will be the one who will repay those who persecute us.
When to Preach
Be prepared in season or out of season for the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Even at the dawn of Christianity, while the apostles are still alive, there already exists false teachers. This is why the apostles on the other hand always do their best in order to defend the gospel.
The time has come now that there are numerous religious groups that put up false doctrines. Even the biggest part of the Christian church was penetrated with false doctrines leading the people false hopes of salvation. The Bible is very clear in its teachings that salvation can only be achieved by grace through faith. But because of perversion of doctrines, instead people being lead to salvation, they have received damnation.
Through the words of apostle Paul, once more, he encourages us to be prepared in preaching the gospel in season or out of season. This tells us, that we have to be ready sharing the gospel in all occasion, in every opportunity as possible.
God did not only called us to preach during the times that we want to and during the times we feel like to, but He called us to preach in season or out of season.
What to Preach
Correct, rebuke and encourage for people will try to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
People was never satisfied with things in life. People by nature love pleasure. They were never satisfied with pleasures that they already have, they want more. Some of these people belong to the Christian communities. They say it is wrong to do this, and to do that, yet when it comes to pleasure, they can tell all the reasons to justify their lust for pleasures.
This is what exactly is happening in our world today. Homosexuals even gathered their own spiritual ministers to justify their lust for each other. People who like to go to bars even bring with them spiritual advisers to justify their cravings for pleasure. Some people are even trying to win ministers to win ministers to become pro divorce and pro abortion.
Just lately, there was a friend of mine who was asking me on how to defend the questions that is being raised up whether or not it is ok to go to music lounges to be with friends or not for the reason that they are going to create a relationship and that they will have a chance to witness them. They are doing their best in order to justify it. But as for you who have heard these word, may you be able to discern what is right and what is wrong.
The word of the Lord is used to correct, rebuke and encourage.
How to Preach
With great patience and careful instruction for they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
This passage teaches us another thing. We have to learn how to preach for these kinds of people. Are we to confront them and say all things against them? Here, it says “with great patience and careful instruction”. Even if these people will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths, we are still to restore them gently.
I always believe that there is a way to rebuke gently if we are to restore a sinning brother.
People are very hard to learn. This is why we have to patient in teaching them. Like a little child who is still learning to walk, we have to assist him by the hand, we have to feed him, and teach them patiently until he learns everything. And all these teachings, takes a great deal of time. This is the same in our spiritual lives. We really do not have to be impatient with our new brothers and sisters in Christ. Instead, we have to admonish them, teaching them first the elementary teachings until they reach into maturity.
5But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.
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