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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Graduation Sermon: True Success

Text: Ecclesiastes


Last Friday, I had an opportunity to speak with the young people and talk about success. We have defined that success is “The sense of fulfillment in accomplishing something.”

We also have learned about a very simple formula to success. But despite of the simplicity of the formula, we all know that these things are very hard lessons.

Today, we have our graduates. Some have finished their elementary lessons and moving towards high school lessons. Some are done with high school and are now ready for their college degree. Some have finished college degree and is now looking for jobs. There are only one thing common to these graduates, they are looking ahead for their success.

But what is the true success? This is what we are going to answer today.

The “success” is...

Everything we own (1:1-11)?

The teacher in this passage tells us that he has everything. But to make it personal, let me ask you this question. What if you already have everything, you have money, house, car, good business etc, what else do you want then?

People who have everything will always want more for nothing but to satisfy their eyes on what they see. Everything is meaningless. And therefore, if we believe that we already have succeed and have not felt its fulfillment, everything then is meaningless and of no use in the eyes of God.

Wisdom (1:12-18)?

Wisdom is good and indeed a profitable one. The king of Israel, the writer of this book said that he devoted himself to study and explore wisdom. He enjoyed much of it more than any other king of Israel. But all these things are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

Furthermore he added, “With much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.” And all these are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

Pleasures (2:1-11)?

The zenith of Israel's grandeur is undoubtedly during the time of Solomon. To many people they say that “Laughter is the best medicine.” But, here's what Solomon says about it in Eccl. 2:2, “Laughter is foolish. And what does pleasure accomplish?”

The writer denied nothing his eyes desired and did not refused anything of pleasure.Yet in the end, with all the pleasures he has, he cannot see anything meaningful in his accomplishment.

Folly (2:12-16)?

Wisdom was compared to foolishness in our passage. The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us that wisdom is indeed profitable but is meaningless. And now, how much more if it is folly. Folly brings man to destruction, and all the more that it is meaningless under the sun.

There are times that we believe that there are only very few people who are foolish. But in reality, there are lots of foolish people due to lack of education, social upbringing, and informative learning. For example the belief of many people that says “ Kung saan ako ipinanganak, dun din ako mamatay” (Where ever I was born, there will I die.)

We all know that this saying is foolishness in many ways especially if this saying relates to religion and moral beliefs. With the use of this saying in many circumstances, it just show man's ignorance about the will of God.

Toil (2:17-26)?

Many of us labor so much for our businesses and jobs. We want to give our family a good life. This is why many Filipinos chose to go to other parts of the world to work so that they will earn more than what they can earn here in the Philippines.

Farmers desire to have bigger lands to plant more crops. They wake up early morning and work the whole day in order to have a good harvest after 2 or 3 months.

Many of us saves money. We don't want to spend it in ways that are not profitable. We try to make use of our money to profitable things.

The writer here raised a good question in 2:22. It says, “What does a man get for all the toil and anxious string with which he labors under the sun?.” He answered that question saying, “All his days work is pain and grief, even at night his mind does not rest.”

Power (4:1-4)?

Philippines is undoubtedly one of the most corrupt nation in the world when it comes to politics. Everybody wants to run for a government office. Entertainment artists, media anchors, business men, those who have no money, and even religious people wants to run in politics. Some run in good faith, while others run because they know they can earn more.

Many politicians lust for power. Amazingly in our country, maybe 90-98% of the politicians are hungry for power. Many have made government position as their source of living. There are even some municipalities where there is only one family who is ruling the whole municipality and even the whole province. Even the SK chairman position, was taken away from the free people.

These political dynasties results to oppression and friendlessness. But even then, if a person have achieved all the powers that he desires, will that really profit him? Will that really satisfy the cravings of her inner being?

Succession in Power (4:13-16)?

We have mentioned about powers. Similarly, politicians of our time wants their children to succeed them. Some are doing better than their parents, but some became worser than their predecessors.

In our passage (4:13-16), people were satisfied to the new ruler, while there are some who were disappointed. And still, the writer here, a successor himself recognizes that all of these are chasing under the wind.

Riches (5:8-20)?

The writer of this book is known to be the richest among the kings of his generation. He was the most powerful king Israel ever had. Thus, in his time, Israel's grandeur has reached its peak. Riches, was one of the strengths of Israel at the time of Solomon.

Many people dream to be rich. Thus, one of their priority is to enrich themselves with wealth. But is there an end to this desire? In chapter 5 verse11, tells us that there is no end to what we need. It says, “As goods increase, so do those who consume them.”.


The sermon today tells us that we can never find true success in all these things. True success lies in the Lord. The writer concluded this matter in Chapter 12:13 by saying; “Now all has been heard, here is the conclusion of the matter. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.

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