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Friday, October 03, 2008

The Glimpse Of The End Of Times Part 2

Ungrateful – people are becoming so ungrateful with their parents and to other people. You give them gifts, they will give you bullets. You help them getting on their knees up, they will cripple you so that you will fall down. These are the ungrateful.

– These are the people who never think on something how they can please God. All they care about is what they will get in order to please their own flesh. Some of them even hate God. Looking the world today, more and more people are becoming more ungodly, flooded with immorality and drowned with disillusionment that they are great.

Even the holy people have become unholy disqualifying their own self from the gift of holiness by becoming self righteous condemning people.

Without love
– People have already forgotten how to love. They started to sue their own brothers and sisters in Christ with a very small mistake that they did. They condemn those who sins among them instead of helping them see the light. They claim to be Christians yet cannot extend a hand to their brothers who need them.

Men can easily abuse women, so as the women can easily abuse men because there is no love. The world had turned up side down.

Unforgiving – People have forgotten what it means to forgive. They curse those who did wrong things against them despite of repentance. They have indeed forgotten that they themselves will answer to God himself for their doings.

Slanderous – One of the results of the lack of love is slander. People begin to manufacture stories against their fellow brothers in the Lord. They start thinking something bad against other people. And most of these are hatred.

Without Self-Control
– With the passage of time and as the world gets smaller through technology, and to live in it easier due to science, people start to become undisciplined people. Not only in matters of spiritual degradation but also in terms of moral degradation. They did not only abuse other people, they also abused themselves.

Brutal – Violent people. They just don’t get easily angered; their anger is always accompanied with violence. They love to physically hurt people and to see them agonizing with pain.

Not lovers of the good – Having all these evilness, they are definitely not lovers of good but evil doers.

Treacherous – They love deceiving others even of their own kind.

Rash – They do not even ask for God’s guidance, continuously pursuing their own human desires. They make hasty decisions which in the long way deceived them as well. As a result, most decisions are wrong thus suffering from lots of consequences.

Conceited – People have become more and more conceited. They are overly proud of themselves. When it comes to faith, self-righteousness is one of its results. People started to give praises to their own selves; “this is me”. The central thought of these people is “ME”

Lovers of pleasures rather than of God
– Generally speaking, pleasure is not bad, bad to become a lover of pleasure is bad. This is one of the great dilemmas’ of humanity in the century. Today, most people, young and old, love pleasure. Young generation spend their whole time watching television, or if not going to an internet café and playing online games whole day long.

These people find it boring to open their Bibles, but find it fun it wasting their time around. They find so hard going to a church and listening to the word of God and singing Christian songs. But they find it so fun when they listen to green jokes and emo music.

Having a form of godliness but denying of its power
– More and more false teachers will emerge. People will start teaching things that departs from what the Bible really says. They will speak things and twist the truths in the Bible to fit what they believe and stands. They will continue to spread like gangrene and will make other people like them, denying the truth and twisting it in order to satisfy their own cravings.


As we are a part of the end of times, are we doing like the rest of the people?
Are we striving our best to be do what He commanded?
Are we still on the right track?

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