What passage in the
New Testament referred or was quoted from
Apocrypal (Deuterocanonical) Books?
Answer: Nothing.
There no passage from the New Testament that was quoted in Apocryphal (Deuterocanonical) This is one of the reasons why Aporcyphal books was never included in the Bible Canon. Some other religious institution included these books in order to satisfy their "vague" doctrine of purgatory.
Even then you can never see "purgatory" in Aporcryphal books. What you can only see in the book of Maccabees 2 was all about the prayer of the dead which is by far a part of the Greek culture. Nonetheless, Apocryphal books are notoriously unreliable book as a source of doctrines. But I must admit, they are a good source of History of Israel's Dark Period.
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