This month is perhaps, one of the highly celebrated times during the year. Though February 14 never became a special holiday, millions of people celebrates February 14 as their expression of their love to someone special in their hearts. But often times, such an expression results to the expression of their erotic love.
These days, many business men are happy. Chocolates, flowers, stuff toys are just some of the most highly profiitable businesses during this time. Not to mention the valentines card and a heart shape balloons. Hotels, motels, and all other resorts also gain a good profit for their businesses.
Definition of Love
From People
Love is blind.
Love is like a bubble gum, kung mopilit, makabuang
Love is a strong positive emotion of regard and affection. eg. His love for his work.
Love is any object of warm affection or devotion. eg. The theater was his first love.
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life; that word is Love. by Sophocles
Love is friendship set on fire
Love is like war, easy begin but hard to end.
Love is the master key that opens the gates of heaven. By Oliver Wendell Holmes
Love is like a medicine, it cures the heartbroken but love is also like a disease, it brings hearattack
By Daryl Daffon
From The Bible
1 Corinthians 13: 4-8
Love is patient and is kind; love doesn’t envy. Love doesn’t brag, is not proud, 5 doesn’t behave itself inappropriately, doesn’t seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil; 6 doesn’t rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails.
The Relationship of Humanity With Love
Love is one of the best things that God gave to humanity. It is inherent to human beings to love. The very first feeling that any human felt when he/she was born. When a child was born, he will first look for his mom to give him a milk thus, giving him a desire to love his mom and the milk. Love is what makes us live peacefully on the face of the earth.
On the other hand, love is what gives us the desire for something and that the same love provokes us to do the evil. Too much desire brings forth selfishness, greed, and even hate which are the direct opposites of the idea of love.
For humanity, love is a complete mystery. We can only have a glimpse of what it can give yet it is difficult to understand its fullness.
The Bible says in verse 8 of 1 Corinthians 13, “Love never fails”. Paul is deeply convinced that love is permanent is a part the divine quality. Prophecies, gifts, and knowledge will cease, but never the love. Humanity does not possess divinity, but our God gave us the ability to love.
Love is the gift of God to Humanity.
The Relationship of Love With God
God is Love (1 John 4:8). As we have mentioned earlier, we love is a divine quality, does God possesses the fullness of love as He demonstrated it when He gave His only begotten Son for people who are by nature sinful. But the power of love overcomes the wrath and was replaced by forgiveness.
There is no love that is comparable to what God has given to humanity. It is the greatest gift to men where God demonstrated it through His Son Jesus Christ.
If God does not possess love, He won't be giving his only begotten Son and there is no forgiveness of sins. If God does not love, there is no promises of salvation nor plan of going to the Father. If God does not love it is impossible to have peace. If God does not love, there is no creation and there is no you and me.
God is love, that's one of the things that makes God mysterious. Ephesians
God demonstrated what it means to love.
The Relationship of Humanity With God
Many people already have disregarded the relationship of humanity to God. And some, don't even know it. We have no idea of what it really means to be under the power of God. The relationship of Humanity to God is a broad topic. But we can summarize it as follows:
God is the creator of Humanity. Many people now especially those people who took hold that humanity starts along with other creation through evolution to which they believe that it is not because of God that we came into being, but through the wonder of nature.
Many scientists will only stands to what is logical and explainable to human mind where there are underlying facts and evidences. They do not believe to things that cannot be seen nor cannot be touched. For them, there is no such thing as faith. All other emotions are caused by hormonal and chemical reactions in our bodies to which it includes love.
Unfortunately, nobody among them can certainly explain and can even say accurately and no one among them will stand and say that the theory is exact and definite. And even in their own explanation of evolution, no one can answer the ultimate question that has been raised, “what force is causing the evolution?” They will tell you all the explanations that they will tell you, but everything will end up to an unanswerable question of mystery,”
Too complicated, too broad to comprehend, too heavy to bear. But Christians has very simple explanation. With all the wonders of nature which includes the planetary positions, up to tiniest cell multiplication and divisions, all these must be a work of God who created them and put them into being and to which humanity is not an exemption.
God is the ruler of Humanity. 2008 US Presidential election brought the world to another step of history. A younger energetic ruler who came from the clan of the slaves became the president of the most powerful nation in our time. People around the world, and especially Americans, put their fate in the hands of their new president Barrach Obama.
Unfortunately, at the very first day Barrack Obama sat on his position, the economy of America went down all the more. Many people hopes for Obama to uplift their nation from this drastic economic difficulty. More and more companies are closing down. If they are not closing down, they are downsizing laying off more and more employees.
God is the God of Humanity. The number of people that believes there is no God is rising. On the other hand, we all believe that nothing there that exists without the intervention of God. We have mentioned earlier that nothing can be creator without God. All creation, both living and non living are hand made of God. Therefore, humanity being one of those living things is a part of God's creation.
All creation bows before God including the angels. In the Bible, we can see that even nature obeys the command of God. The crossing of the Red Sea, Jesus calm the storm in the lake, even demons obey Jesus and fear Him when He commanded the legion of demons to go out from the man. This is impossible to human eyes, but nothing is impossible with God.
But what is the link between humanity and God?
Love is the link between Humanity and God. It is the one that drives God to create all creation. And it is also the reason why God gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to save His unfaithful creation.
It is very easy to say “I love you” to God, or even to fellow creation. But truly living in love is hard for no one can really fathom what a genuine love is. Even the Bible was not able to fully define the love yet admittedly says that no one can ever fathom the love of God. If we have experienced to love, we are only seeing a glimpse of how wonderful it is, and its mystery is yet to be uncovered.
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