Answer: Generally speaking, Tithing is not a requirement at least for most baptist churches. However, most baptist churches encourages their member to give their tithes “and” offerings faithfully.
Despite of the questions of some people and some other sects that tithing is “not” required for gentile churches like most of us, we can still not deny that the Bible teaches us to give our offerings in a “worthy” manner.
At the very first few chapters and in the book of Genesis, God taught the first family to give their offerings in a “worthy” manner. And such resulted to the rejection of Cain's offering. Though some theologians say that God rejected it because it is not blood, but the only clear and undoubtful interpretation was that, Cain did not gave his offering in a “worthy” manner.
All through out the Holy Bible, God taught the people of Israel to give what is due to the God. Even though the recipient of God's command to tithe, are the Israelites, apostle Paul never contradicted that teaching about giving. In fact, he encourages the gentiles to give generously and become a cheerful giver.
The issue whether or not Tithing is biblical does not really rely on “what to give” nor “how much to give”, but “How should we give to God.”
These are some personal questions that we may want to consider before we give our offering to God:
1.Will this giving of certain amount glorifies God?
2.Is giving to our Lord that amount out of our desire to glorify God, or for us to be glorified by others?
3.Are we free from any guilt in giving?
In conclusion. If we can give generously and faithfully our Tithes, then it is only a good start in learning how to become a generous and cheerful giver.
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