Text: Hebrews 11
Definition of Faith
“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (NIV Hebrews 11:1)
“Faith is substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (KJV)
By Faith – we understand that the universe was formed out of God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. This is why, there is really no need for scientists to make a deatailed creation of the world and discredit God concerning his creation.
Creation is beyond imagination. Humans can create a small portion of what God has created. But even then, the materials used for creation is still a part of God's creation. This is why scientists are dumb in the eyes of God. They were able to see only a small portion of the mystery of matter, yet discredit God for its mystery.
By Faith – Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain. I have heard many pastors who have interpreted that the main reason why Cain's offering was rejected was because his sacrifice is not blood. However, in my personal study, I haven't seen in the Bible that it was said directly that it is the reason why it was rejected.
But here is what I see. The story of Cain and Abel is not about what kind of offering, but in what manner it was offered. Furthermore, the book of Hebrews gave us a very clear answer why Abel's offering was accepted, because it was offered “by faith”.
This is also true in our time now. The manner of offering is very important. God already have taught us giving our tithes and offering. We already know that tithes is 10% of our income that offering is something extra out of our generosity. If it is in our conviction and with deep sincerity that God will bless us if we give our tithes fully, then we are acting by faith. It is not based on amount. It is based on our faith.
Do we have faith that God will bless us generously so that we can bless others all the more?
By Faith – Enoch was taken from this life so that he did not experience death. He was said to be the one who pleased God. And it is impossible to please God without faith. The passage is very clear in its explanation about Enoch, that he is pleased God, and that it is impossible to please God without faith.
Enoch pleases the Lord. He must have pleased the Lord so much that he did not suffer death. He must be a good man highly favored by God. There are very few people who did not experienced death that was written in the Bible.
By Faith – Noah when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. When God told Noah to build an Ark, Noah knows, that it will sound stupid for all other people to see him building an Ark during the time that there is no rain. He knows, that when the people see him, he will be ridiculed and be laughed at.
But, Noah built it anyway. Take note that there is holy fear in Noah. He was fearful to the Lord. He knows that what God is telling will come into fulfillment. And that despite all the ridicules he received, we can see that Noah continued to obey what was said to him.
By Faith – Abraham when called to go to a place he will receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he is going.
We can connect this to mission. Sometimes, God is calling us to go to a strange place that we don't know. Though Abraham did not go originally to share the gospel of Christ, but we can see here that he obeyed God, for He knows that God has a purpose in him because he's the one who sent him to the land of Canaan.
He knows, he will be a stranger to that place. He knows that it will be very difficult for him to go there. It is not a home to him yet. Transferring from one place to another is never easy. In considering a new place to live, one will first, survey the land if it fits his needs. Secondly, he will try to evaluate his neighbors whether or not they are hostile or friendly. Third, he will see to it that he has security in that area.
But Abraham don't know all about these. God just said to him, “Go”. And Abraham acted by faith, and obeyed the Lord. As a result, God fulfilled His promise to Abraham to possess the land of Canaan.
By Faith – Abraham though he was past age, and Sarah herself was barren, was enabled to become a father because he considered him faithful who had made a promise.
This must be a difficult time with Abraham and Sarah. They have moved into a new land, without an heir. Yes, God gave them a new land to toil and live in, but he doesn't have anyone to take care of all these after he is gone. But by faith, Abraham and Sarah patiently waited for the promise heir.
They were in past age now. And it was believed that Sarah's womb is already closed to bear a child. But if it is impossible with man, it is very possible with God. Though, Sarah laughed when the angels of the Lord visited them and told them that she's going to bear a child, still they waited for the child in their house. Indeed, Sarah bore a child and named him “Yitzaach” or Isaac.
Here we see, that God is the giver of life. He is the source of life. All we have to do is to submit to his will and wait upon its fulfillment.
By Faith – Abraham when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. What do we feel if God says, give your son or daughter as an offering to the Lord. And it means that you have to kill your own son or daughter for the Lord to be pleased. We might think that God won't never do this. But in the story of Abraham, God actually did it. He asked Abraham to offer his child to him. For what reason did God asked Abraham to do so? Abraham didn't knew the reason why God asked him to do it. But Abraham acted by faith. It is the Lord who gave Isaac to him, and it is the Lord who can take him away.
Sometimes however, it is difficult for us to offer to God something that we don't even value the most. How much more those things that God wants us to offer because it is very valuable to us? Here in the passage we see that Abraham did offer Isaac anyway, because he follows God. He did not disobeyed him and did not even question his ways.
How can you give "by faith" something that never was by faith?
ReplyDeleteOT Levitical tithes were strictly cold hard law only from food producers inside Israel. They could not come from crafts, trades or from outside Israel.
Although money is mentioned 32 times in Genesis and 44 times before "tithe" occurs, the tithe is never called INCOME or money in 16 descriptive texts.
Those who received the Levitical tithe were not allowed to own or inherit property. This is repeated over ten times/
God never commanded the Church to tithe 10% of income to anybody. The OT Temple and priesthood now reside within the believers.
"it is in our conviction and with deep sincerity that God will bless us if we give our tithes fully, then we are acting by faith. It is not based on amount. It is based on our faith."
This sounds like NT giving, not OT tithing. NT giving is: freewill, generous, SACRIFICIAL, joyful, not by commandment (or percentage) and motivated by love for God and lost souls.
God cannot bless NT Christians because of their attempts to obey OT commands which never applied to the Church. The whole law was a test. Obey ALL and be blessed; disobey ONE and be cursed.
Live 2 Cor 8:12-15 and be blessed.
Russell Earl Kelly, PHD
I agree with you Dr. Kelly. However, I just want to make it clear, that the post is sermon manuscript. As I have mentioned, the kind of offering God is looking is not "What Kind" but in "What Manner". It's not about whether or not it is blood of an animal or a thing.
ReplyDeleteYes, tithing is a law and we are no longer under the law. In the book of Hebrews 8, 9, and 10, it says that the law is only a "Shadow of heavenly things, but not the things itself." The law serves us a tutor. It taught the people of Israel to give tithe. But giving tithe is not the point, but "Sowing Generously".:)
Thanks for the input.:) God bless!!!
Evidently you only took a very brief look at my web site. I too stress generous and sacrificial giving as pointed out in my first statement.
Your wrote: "Teaching how to tithe, is just the first step of generous giving."
This statement is wrong for many biblical reasons as pointed out in my essay on page one.
1. Nobody tithes today because the biblical tithe was always only food from inside Israel. Although "money" occurs 44 times before "tithe" in Leviticus 27, money never occurs in 16 texts which describe the contents of the tithe.
2. Your statement implies that tithing is taught to the Church after Calvary in terms of grace. It is false and you have no texts to demonstrate your statement.
3. You imply that tithes are the same as firstfruits. OT firstfruits were very small token offerings which could fit in a small basket to be brought to the Temple per Deu 26:1-4 and Neh 10:35-37. OT tithes were "tenth-fruits" and not even the "best" which were brought first to the Levitical cities per Neh 10:37-38 and Lev 27:29-34.
4. The NT teaches generous and sacrificial giving which is not limited to 10%. Many wealthy Christians are robbing God when then ONLY give 10%. Others, however, are giving SACRIFICIALLY when they give less than 10%. That is the EQUALITY principle found in 2 Cor 8:12-15 which I strongly stress. It is a better Spirit-blessed giving principle.
You wrote: "This is why it has been pointed out in the example of the widow who had given everything she has."
5. The widow was neither a farmer nor herdsmen inside Israel. The widow -like Jesus, Peter and Paul- had nothing tithe-able. The widow gave a SACRIFICIAL FREEWILL offering and was blessed for it.
You wrote: "That is why Paul said in Corinthians that the Macedonian churches gave more than they can. And pointed out that "God loves a cheerful giver."
6. This is what I teach --generous sacrificial freewill giving. I do not understand why you try to use this text to support tithing. It does not!
You wrote: "Here's my stand Dr. Kelly, yes, tithing is never a requirement for NT and so for us."
7. True biblical tithing, correctly defined by God's Word, cannot possibly be a REQUIREMENT because most Christians are not Hebrews and most Christians live outside of Israel. Even Paul could not tithe any food he produced (which was none) which came off pagan Gentile land. Read Alfred Edersheim's Sketches.
You wrote: "But if I will give my tithe, it's only a good start of my generous giving.
8. No, you will give your sacrificial freewill offering and call it a tithe in order to encourage others to BEGIN their level of giving at 10% --which is dishonest manipulation of God's Word. According to 2 Cor 3:10 tithing has ZERO glory unless repeated after Calvary in terms of grace to the Church.
Do you tell the poor in your church to tithe first even if it means doing without medicine, food and shelter?
You wrote: "I myself am a pastor, and I practice tithe not because it's a requirement, but because I know, generous giving does not end in tithing, but only a start of it."
9. The same tithing statute/ordinance which commanded tithing (Numbers 18) also commanded Levitical tithe-recipients to forfeit land inheritance and ownership rights. This is repeated over 10 times in the OT. Do you own or inherit property as a so-called "tithe recipient"? Under what authority?
Numbers 18 also commanded ministers to kill anybody who approached the sanctuary.
What CONSISTENT principle (hermeneutic) to you use (as a pastor) to justify NOT obeying all of that statute.
The SBC hidden-agenda Position Paper requires those on its payroll to teach that tithing as the "start," "minimum," "beginning point," "good place to start" or "training wheels" of giving. Cute and fancy but totally unbiblical. The only Hebrews who were required to begin their giving level at 10% were food producers --most of whom were off their lands within four generation because of the "double-portion-to-the-firstborn" law.
You wrote: "In my own personal testimony, God always provides. And all the more that he blessed me through cheerful giving. And for this, I will never discourage my people to give tithe nor require them. But I will encourage them to practice generous giving.
10. If you really believe this, then you will stop teaching tithing and start calling all giving "freewill," "generous" and "sacrificial."
There are no blessings associated with tithing which concern the Church. Malachi is not for the Church. The whole law was a "test" --not merely tithing. Obey ALL to be blessed; disobey in ONE part and be cursed. That is why Galatians 3:10 replaces Malachi 3:10.
Paul invoked an anathema on any who would add law back into grace in Gal 1:8-9. He called such practice "witchcraft" in Gal 3:1-2. Because of this, I am convinced that the doctrine of tithing does harm to God's Church.
You wrote: I do hope you've got my point when it comes to tithing.:) Try it doc... and experience God's blessing.
11. Neither one of us can biblically "try" tithing. I am sure that both of us already give more then 10% to support God's work, but I do not foolishly call such support "tithing" to receive Paul's anathema.
You wrote: "We are blessed to become a blessing." God bless!!!
12. Very true and we become a blessing to others by preaching and teaching sound defensible New Covenant post-Calvary doctrine. May God bless you also when you do such.
Russell Earl Kelly
Well, doc really you have many good points. But we are now missing the points of Grace.
ReplyDeleteCommo'n doc, your arguments is more on words. Whether you want to call it freewill, or generous giving, or sacrificial, or whether I call it tithing, the main point is still giving in a right manner.
I really don't question about what you believe in giving for I have seen that it is true. But in my conviction, I would rather not stop preaching truths in tithing. It won't be in the Bible if it's not important.
However, as I said, I believe that tithing is only a tutor for us for generous giving. It doesn't matter how much, but in what manner.
I don't see anything to argue about this. If you believe in generous giving giving more than 10%, then that's good, for you have learned what tithing has taught.
I would rather not to debate on Tithing. Again, it's a tutor for generous giving. And I really don't see your point of debating on it too much. It's up to you of what you are going to call it. I doesn't really matter to me. As long as we practice sacrifice, or sacrificial giving, or generous giving or tithing (in what ever term you want), we have to do it by Faith... That's one of the focus of this post.
We are back to the original post again. Full circle. Again I ask "How can tithing be a 'point of grace' when it is never mentioned by inspiration as a 'point of grace' to the Church after Calvary.
ReplyDeleteGod uses semantics, words, to communicate truth. You accuse me of playing with semantics and I accuse you of ignoring the words God uses to communicate this truth in His Word.
If the "main point" is "giving in a right manner" then why don't you teach that instead of attaching a legalistic annulled shackle of the law to such wonderful grace giving? Are you afraid that your loyal church members will give LESS if you do not call it "tithing"? If that is true, then they are giving for the wrong reason and you have failed to teach "giving in a right manner."
"I really don't question about what you believe in giving for I have seen that it is true."
Wow! Listen to yourself.
"But in my conviction, I would rather not stop preaching truths in tithing."
What "truths in tithing"? You have not yet presented or defended one single "truth in tithing."
"It won't be in the Bible if it's not important."
What does that mean? The tithing statute of Numbers 18 commands priests to KILL anybody who tries to enter the sanctuary and it commands you NOT to own or inherit property. Read Exodus 19:5-6. The whole law was only given to national Israel to set them apart from us pagan Gentiles. That which is really "important" in the Bible applies directly to you and me on this side of Calvary. The first century church did not teach or practice tithing --read ANY church historian. The early church did not make tithing legal until AD 777. Why so long if it was "truth"?
"However, as I said, I believe that tithing is only a tutor for us for generous giving. It doesn't matter how much, but in what manner."
That is freewill grace giving. It is not tithing. I know of many churches which do not teach tithing, seldom have a public offering and have a box at the entrance to the sanctuary. Yet they flourish without teaching tithing. You can and should try it out. It works if you’re are a good preacher of the gospel and emphasize personal evangelism.
"I don't see anything to argue about this. If you believe in generous giving --giving more than 10%, then that's good, for you have learned what tithing has taught."
You completely miss my point from 2 Cor 8:12-15. Your approach abuses God's poor, but gifted, by telling them that they should BEGIN their level of giving at 10% what such was never true in the Old Covenant. God sets no percentage. God sees the heart.
"I would rather not to debate on Tithing. Again, it's a tutor for generous giving. And I really don't see your point of debating on it too much. It's up to you of what you are going to call it. It doesn't really matter to me. As long as we practice sacrifice, or sacrificial giving, or generous giving or tithing (in what ever term you want), we have to do it by Faith... That's one of the focuses of this post."
It does matter to you because you prefer to stay attached to an annulled principle of the law (Heb 7:5, 12, 18). Thanks for the dialog anyway. May God bless you.
Russ Kelly
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