Text: Hebrews 9
Last week, we have discussed about Christ as the new priest of the new covenant. Today, as we continue to meditate on the book of Hebrews, we will see Christ being the new priest in a better sanctuary by a better sacrifice.
The Old Sanctuary
The Holy Place - has the lampstand, the table, and the show bread.
The Holy of Holies – after the second veil, we will find the; golden alter of incense and the Ark of the Covenant.
Ark of the Covenant – All sides were overlaid with gold, a golden pot holding the manna, Aaron's rod that budded, the Tables of The Covenant, above it the cherubim of glory, overshadowing the mercy seat
Here we see that the Old Sanctuary is very limitted to what it offers. No sinner is allowed to enter the Holy Place nor the Holy of Holies. There are only few people (the priests and the high priest) that are allowed to enter the Tabernacle.
Another implication that we can see here is the need of a mediator. As we look at the passage, we can see here that people will give their sacrifice to God for the forgiveness of their sins. The old sanctuary was governed by the high priest and priests.
The Old Sacrifice
The priest always go to the first part of the tabernacle performing the services. On the second part of the tabernacle, the Holy of Holies, the high priest goes there once a year to offer blood for himself and for the people's sins committed out of ignorance.
One of the implications that we can see here is that the old sacrifices need to be repeated all over again every year. Thus, the payment of blood of an unblemish animal is not enough to pay for our sins.
Furthermore, verses 9-10 confirmed that the services performed by the one who sacrifices is not enough to make it perfect in regard to its conscience.
Chirst In a Better Sanctuary
Starting in verse 11, we can see here that Christ being the new priest, he is the new High Priest of the more perfect Tabernacle not made by man. The old sacrifices needs the blood of bulls, sheep, calves, lamb, etc. In addition, sacrifices needs to be repeated all over again every year.
However, with the perfect Tabernacle, the requirement to compensate our sins is the blood of the Holy Lamb, the blood of Christ. And this was done once and for all. There is no need to do it again. The veil has been torn apart so that we can go now directly to God.
Verses 12-15 is very direct in saying that Christ gave us eternal redemption through his own blood. Please do note that the old sacrifice purifies the flesh, while the blood of Christ, being spotless, cleanse our conscience from the dead works.
Now that Christ is the mediator of the perfect sanctuary, there is no need now for us to ask for the favor of any other being. There is only one High Priest, and it is only Jesus Christ. If we are to approach the heavens, to pray, we are to call the name of Jesus Christ.
Christ As Better Sacrifice
Most probably we are asking many questions why does Christ really have to die at the cross of calvary. Verses 16-28 explains us why it is necessary for Christ to die.
Christ's sacrifice was necessary for the new covenant to be enforced (v.16-17). As the book of Hebrews explains it, the testament will only be put into effect when the testator is dead. To which our context talks about the promised salvation of the people of God. Without the death of Christ, salvation cannot be put into effect.
Christ's sacrifice was necessary for him to enter the real heaven and not only the copies of it (v.23). We are talking about the two covenants, one is the shadow of the heavenly things, and one is the real thing. If Christ did not die, then until now we will still be under the old covenant, thus, what we still see is only the shadow of the heavenly things.
Christ's sacrifice was necessary to offer sacrifice once and for all (v.25). If Christ did not die, there will be no blood shed. And unless there is no blood shed that comes from the Holy One, then the forgiveness of sins will remain temporary. Year after year, we will still have to continue offering calves, sheeps, doves and other animals. But since Christ sacrificed himself, He did it once and for all. There is no need for us to redo, what God has done for us.
Christ's sacrifice was necessary to bear the sins of many (v.26-28). If Christ did not die, our sins will remain and we need to continously sacrifice for it. Without his sacrifice, he will not bear the sins of many. Just right before Jesus was captured, he prayed and made an appeal to the Father that if possible, the cup will be taken away from him. Jesus know that it will be painful, not only physically but also emotionally. We have to take note that Jesus is in human form at this very moment, having the flesh and emotions, except that He is without sin not even in thinking.
There was a saying that, truth lies in the lips of a dying person. Jesus speaks of the truth all through out his life, and he knows that he is dying. Until he dies and at the very moment before he suffered death, His lips is full of truths.
Christ's sacrifice was necessary for the second coming (v.28). If Christ did not die, then there is no second coming. Without death, there is no need for him to go back to heaven and prepare rooms for those who have faith in him.
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